425-888-0623 1-800-472-0208 Hours M-TH 7:00am-5:30pm
Service Application

PLEASE NOTE: If your request involves new residential construction, adding new electric service to a property lot, or altering existing TEC service, please CLICK HERE instead.

Welcome to YOUR cooperative. Unlike most other companies, Tanner Electric Cooperative (TEC) was formed and is owned entirely by you and the other members we serve. Our purpose is not to maximize profits for shareholders - we are non-profit. Our mission is to provide reliable and competitively priced electricity to all persons and entities within our service area in order to maintain and improve their quality of life, now and into the future.

We exist for the long-term benefit of our members. We encourage you to be active in your cooperative. Strong co-ops need active members. We are here to help you. If at any time you have any questions, comments, or concerns, call us or email us at mail@tannerelectric.coop. TEC really is YOUR cooperative.

Fields marked with a red asterisk * are required.


Please allow 1-2 business days for requests to be completed. New services will not be connected on holidays or weekends. Office hours are M-TH 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Applicant Information
Enter the email address again for accuracy.
Co-applicant Information
Service Address
Do you own or rent the property?
Own Rent
What type of service is required?
Existing Service Construction Required
Do you need area lights at your location?
Yes No
Mailing Address
Mailing address is same as service address
Medical Options
If you or a member of your household has a special medical need or condition, please let us know so that we may better assist you and/or provide extra time to make arrangements in the case of scheduled maintenance or a power outage/act of nature.

Please check all that apply:

CPAP machine
Oxygen required
Disabled or special needs person in the home
In a wheelchair
Legally blind
24-hour caretaker or home nurse
Other medical equipment

Deposit Policy:

Any new member who has not established credit with Tanner Electric Cooperative will be required to pay the Cooperative a minimum deposit of $250.00 up to the estimated cost of two months of electric service for the member's two highest billings. If a member can provide an acceptable credit check the deposit will be waived. No interest will be paid on any deposit. Following twelve months good payment record in which the member does not appear on the delinquent list more than two times, the member's deposit will be refunded. In cases where a member's payment record indicates a consistent delinquency pattern, the Manager may require the member to deposit with the Cooperative an amount equal to one-sixth the average annual billing for that account, with a minimum of $250.00.

I have read and agree to the deposit policy and authorize a soft credit check as put forth above by Tanner Electric Cooperative.

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